Shadrach was promoted to the 7th grade this year, and his favorite subject is history. He continues to dream of becoming a president one day, driven by his passion for learning about the world and leadership. After school, Shadrach helps his mother sell in the local Girl Power Africa market, contributing to their family’s income. His hard work and determination in both his studies and at home show his dedication to building a bright future for himself. Shadrach’s ambition and commitment make him a strong example of perseverance and leadership in the making. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen
Shadrack continues to live with his father and was promoted to sixth grade. 2023 is presidential election year in Liberia and Shadrack still has the dream that one day he will be president. His goal is to make everyone have enough money for food & housing, and for everyone to be happy & kind to each other. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen
Shadrack got a double promotion from third to fifth grade! He was excited and proud of his progress and so were we. Shadrack still wants to be a president one day and he continues to live with his father. Sponsored by: James Barker.
Thanks to the generous donation from James Barker, Shadrack has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. Shadrack was promoted to the 3rd grade this year. He’s a confident and happy young man and keeps everyone in good spirits. He’s a role model in his class with good grades and behavior. He continues to live with his father.
Thanks to the generous donation from Penny Schultz, Shadrack has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. He is in the 2nd grade this year and still wants to be a president when he grows up. He continues to live with his father. (Please Note: Shadrack was out of town on the day of the 2020/2021 school distribution. His materials were left with the school administration).
October 2019
Thanks for the generous donation from Penny Schultz, Shadrack has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019/2020 school year.
June 2019
We are pleased to announce that Shadrack was promoted from K-2 to 1st grade this year! Penny Schultz, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education.
Shadrack, who has been generously re-sponsored by Penny Schultz. He is 11 years old and was promoted to the Kindergarten-2 this year. He lives in Duazon with his father who is unemployed and could not afford to send him to school. His interests are hanging out with his friends and he hopes to be a president when he grows up.
Meet Shadrack, who has been generously sponsored by Penny Schultz. He is 10 years old and in the Kindergarten-1 this year. He lives in Duazon, Liberia with his father. His interests are hanging out with friends and he hopes to be a president when he grows up.
Photos of Shadrack Throughout The School Years: