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October 2022


Serena was promoted to second grade! During our interview, she was all smiles and looked healthy. She is very grateful for the opportunity to attend school. She kept saying to us, “thank my sponsor please”. Her favorite subject is math and she continues to live with her mother. She still wants to be a seamstress one day. Sponsored by:  Joyce Jorgensen

October 2019


Meet Serena, who has been generously sponsored by Mary Thayer. She is 10 years old and in the Kindergarten-1 this year. She lives in Sanniquellie, Liberia with her mother. Serena’s father abandoned her at birth. Her mother is single and unemployed with 3 children whom she’s having a difficult time supporting.  Serena hopes to be a seamstress when she grows up. 

Please note: the reason Serena’s hair was shaved off is because her grandmother passed away a month ago: In some parts of Liberia, women, especially first daughters and wives, are known to shave off their heads when grieving their husbands, mothers, fathers, and grandparent’s death, as a sign of respect to the dead and as a new beginning.

Photos of Serena Throughout The School Years: