Mercy was promoted to the 8th grade this year, a testament to her resilience and commitment to her education. Despite her desire to participate in school activities, her responsibilities at home leave her little time. Each morning before school, Mercy fetches about 10 gallons of water from the nearby water wall for her family. After school, she heads to the local market to buy food, fetches more water, cooks, cleans the house, and sweeps the surroundings before settling down at night to do her homework. She continues to live with her mother and remains determined to become a seamstress one day. Mercy’s dedication to balancing her responsibilities and education is truly inspiring. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen
Mercy was promoted to sixth grade and her favorite subject is Spelling. Mercy is very active and impressive. She easily responds to questions and participates in conversations. Mercy still wants to be a seamstress when she grows up. Sponsored by: Mandy Varda
Meet Mercy, who has been generously sponsored by Mandy Varda. She is 12 years old and in the 3rd grade this year. She lives in Gbayden, Liberia with her mother and her 4 siblings. Mercy’s father was killed 2 years ago when a scorpion bit him on his way from their farm. Mercy’s interests are helping her mom and making her Dad proud in heaven. She hopes to be a tailor when she grows up.
Photos of Mercy Throughout The School Years: