Eleven-year-old Marthaline was promoted to second grade. Though a little old for her grade level, Marthaline is looking forward to a successful school year and an opportunity to get a double promotion. Though Marthaline’s dad abandoned her mother and seven siblings, she is growing up to be a confident little girl. Her dream of being a teacher is still fresh in her mind. GPA’s support is both helpful and appreciated by Marthaline and her mother. Sponsored by: James Barker
Thanks to the generous donation from James Barker, Marthaline has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She received an incomplete for the 2020/2021 school year. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, schools in Liberia had irregular school schedule. This combined with the lack of technology in the schools, some schools made the decision to keep students in their current grade level for the 2021/2022 school year. Marthaline was kept in her current grade level of 1st grade for the upcoming school year. She continues to live with her mother and still wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
Meet Marthaline, who has been generously sponsored by James Barker. She is 10 years old and is in the 2nd grade this year. She lives in Borsonnor Town, Liberia with her mother. The town chief told our team: “Her mother and father stayed together for a long time. And in those many years, her parents had 8 children. The father just walked away from her mother and their 8 children – leaving them to suffer”. Her interests are to educate her people and she hopes to be a teacher when she grows up.
Photos of Marthaline Throughout The School Years: