September 2021: Thanks to the generous donation from Jennifer Parker, Lovetee has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She was promoted to the 3rd grade this year and still wants to be a seamstress when she grows up. Lovetee has been given to her mother who lives about 2 miles away from the school. Unfortunatly, Lovetee could not make it to the distributions this year because there was a heavy down pour of rain on the day of the distributions. She was not present at the registration but her materials were left with school administration to be given to her upon her return.
September 2020: Thanks to the generous donation from Jennifer Parker, Lovetee has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. She is in the 2nd grade this year and still wants to be a seamstress when she grows up. She was not present at the registration but her materials were left with administration to be given upon her return. She continues to live with her mother.
2019: Meet Lovetee, who has been generously sponsored by Jennifer Parker. She is 11 years old and is in the 1st grade this year. Lovetee lives in Liagbala, Liberia with her widowed mother who is deaf. Her interests are going to school. Lovetee will be walking 4 miles each way to go to school in the nearest town with a school. She hopes to be a seamstress when she grows up.