Eight-year-old Konah still lives with her mother and is promoted to Kindergarten-2 Class this year. Her favorite subject is reading/story time. Konah still wants to be a nurse when she grows up. Nurses and health care workers in general are sorely needed in Liberia where access to medical care is challenged by a limited number of health facilities and workers. GPA is honored to walk alongside Konah and encourage her dream of becoming a nurse. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds
Meet Konah, who has been generously sponsored by Shauna Burke-Smith. She is 6 years old and is going to school for the first time in ABC. She lives in Borsonnor Town, Liberia with her mother. Her father died in a motorbike accident when she was 1 year old. Her mother is unemployed and is having difficult time supporting her family. Her interests are playing with her friends and she hopes to be a nurse when she grows up.