June 2022: Sixty-year-old Kou is a widow caring for some of her grandchildren.
With the death of her husband, Kou is left with no alternative but to do subsistence
farming to provide for herself and the grandchildren under her care. Her adult
children are also subsistence farmers with constrained resources to assist in her
care and even the care of their own children. Consequently, three grandchildren
live with Kou. She takes pride in her ability to harness social equity among
members of her community to help with the farming activities. She is also proud
that she is able to provide for her grandchildren and pay their school tuition. Her
hope is that her grandchildren will complete school giving them a better
opportunity to one day take their family out of the generational cycle of poverty. A
donation from the Girl Power Africa General Funds has given Kou and her
grandchildren a hand up.
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