JUNE 2022: 35-year-old Koo lives with her father in Sanniquellie, Nimba
County, with her four children. She has been selling bread to provide for her
children. Her father supplemented her income whenever she fell short of her
monthly budget. Now that her father is sick and not working, Koo has spiraled
into a tragic day-to-day existence of baking bread and relying upon the bread to be
sold before she can go to the market and buy a few cups of rice and other essentials
to make her family’s daily meal. Other needs, like healthcare and personal hygiene
essentials have been placed on hold. Koo reached out to Girl Power for a Baking
Empowerment Package to enable her make more bread to expand her market. A
donation from the Girl Power Africa General Funds has given Koo and her family a
hand up.
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