RECIPIENT: Dori Dennis – Age 49
Empowered By: Christine Weigt
Doris is a 49 yr old lady with 5 children. Doris broke my heart. This lady use to sell papayas (about 4-5 days a week) to support her family. About 3-4 days a week she would bring my monkey Peace papaya… free of charge. Little did I know she was in dire need of help. When a Deccan from one of the local churches came to ask me if I could help a lady by the name of Doris who attends their church, I had no idea it was the same Doris who would give my pet money, Peace, the only thing she and her family depended on for survival. I actually use to call her The Nice Lady. I haven’t seen her since the Ebola. I felt horrible that I had never connected the dots or read between the lines. Here is my interview with Doris, The Nice Lady: Me: Hi Doris. How are you? Doris: I’m fine oh Old Ma. Me: Where have you been? Doris: I was sick and at home. You see a few years ago, I was laying down in bed and my body got weak, then numb. It was a funny feeling that came over me. The next thing I know, I was not able to move one side of my body. I couldn’t even talk. The doctor told me that someone witched me. That I will never talk or walk again. That’s when I started praying… REALLY praying. That’s when I got close to God. I fasted and prayed for one whole week. After that, I started to see if I can try to help myself by moving small small and trying to talk small small again. Since then, non of my children could go to school because my hand went down. My children started buying paupau (papaya) and selling it for us to buy food to eat. But God really listen to my prayer, now I can walk and talk free. I can even run. (with a big smile!) Me: Do you know what you had? Doris: No oh Old Ma. Me: You had a stroke honey. Doris: What is that and who put it on me? Me: It’s a sickness. Why didn’t you tell me you needed help when you use to come bring paupau (papaya) to Peace? You know I would have helped you right?? Doris: I know Old Ma. But other people need the help more than me and I don’t want to take their own of help away. What God say is for me, will come to me. Me: Do you know that your deccan came to ask me for Girl Power to help you? Doris: Yes, she told me to come see you because things are really bad for us. The market is hard. Everything is expensive. No paupau to sell and me and the children are just reducing (losing weight). No work, and no food. The children are still not going to school. I want to work, but no work. The whole country is hard. Me: If I can give you coal to sell, would that help you and the children to get back on your feet? Doris: Ahh, Old Ma, that’s what I really want. Something to do so I can help me and my children. And maybe they can go back to school. They been sitting down too long. No money for uniform and school frees.
These are photos of Doris receiving her new supply of selling goods to now be able to successfully start her very own business. This was made possible by the donations from Christine Weigt who donated in honor of Oregon High School retired teachers. Thank you so much Mrs. Weigt for your generosity and helping to make our world a little better.