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Washington: S875-KPA



Washington was promoted to the second grade this year, despite experiencing the profound loss of both parents this year. Living with his uncle, he remains determined and focused on his dream of becoming a police officer. Math is his favorite subject, and he continues to show resilience in the face of challenges.  Sponsored by:  Farhat Bhuiyan



Washington has been promoted to the first grade! He continues to live with his parents and still dreams of becoming a policeman one day. He said he “cannot wait to wear the police uniform so he can put all the bad people in jail.”  Sponsored by:  Farhat Bhuiyan



Washington is nine years old and in kindergarten-2 class. He lives with his parents and six siblings.  Washington wants to be a policeman one day.  His parents are farmers; working on other people farms and paid as day laborers.  Their combined income cannot sustain tuition payment for all their school age children.  They are thankful for the gift of a scholarship to jumpstart Washington’s educational career. Sponsored by: Farhat Bhuiyan

Photos of Washington Throughout The School Years: