Thelma: S882-DUA
Thelma was promoted to the second grade this year, and she is doing well in her studies. She shared that her favorite subject is science, and she loves eating potato grains with rice. After school, Thelma takes on responsibilities at home by washing the dishes and cleaning the house. However, she deeply misses her siblings, whom she is no longer allowed to see. When she does get a chance to visit them, she feels down for a while before eventually bouncing back into her regular routine. Despite this, Thelma remains a hardworking and resilient young girl, and we are proud of her determination. Sponsored by: Lindsey O’Brien.
Thelma has been promoted to the first grade and continues to live with her big sister. She worked hard in school this year and is one step closer to realizing her dream of becoming a nurse. During our interview, she shared that she misses her other sisters a lot and looks forward to her annual visit to see some of her siblings and share about her school experience. Sponsored by: Lindsey O’Brien.
Meet seven-year-old Thelma who lives with her big sister in Duazon. Thelma attends Duazon Public School and is in kindergarten-2 class. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up. Thelma has six siblings who have been divided up between her parents (who live in another town) and her big sister. Thelma’s parents cannot adequately provide for all their children and the younger ones were sent to live in their oldest daughter household. Thelma’s family is happy for this scholarship opportunity. Sponsored by: Lindsey O’Brien
Photos of Thelma Throughout The School Years: