Thirteen year old Serena was promoted to third grade. She continues to reside with her parents and hope to be a doctor one day. Serena is determined to work hard to get a double promotion which will place her closer to her age-appropriate grade level and closer to realizing her academic and professional dreams. Sponsored by: Jessica Reed
Serena was promoted to second grade and has been re-enrolled in school for the 2022/2023 school year. Her favorite subject is reading and her teacher reports she’s a great student. She enjoys cooking for her family after class. Cooking in the village requires a lot of “props”. You must fetch water from a well or a nearby running stream, containerize it in the outdoor kitchen, carefully wash whatever you are cooking and then proceed to “prepare” the materials for cooking (like chopping the greens, egg plants, yams, etc.). Then comes the seasoning and placing in the pot. Most Liberian meals are stews eaten with rice. She continues to reside with her parents and still dreams of becoming a doctor one day. Sponsored by: Meicher†Family†Charitable†Foundation
Thanks to the generous donation from Meicher†Family†Charitable†Foundation, Serena has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She was promoted to the 1st grade this year and still wants to be a doctor when she grows up. With less than 500 doctors serving a population of 4.5 million people, Liberian households often experience fatalities due to treatable illnesses. Children aspiring to become doctors is a worthy cause. She continues to live with her parents.
October 2019
Thanks for the generous donation from Angela McGuire, Serena has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019/2020 school year.
June 2019
We are pleased to announce that Serena was promoted from ABC to Kindergarten-1 this year! Kimberly and Robin, thank you for your sponsorship and for giving your student a gift of education.
Meet Serena, who has been generously sponsored by Robin Stuewer’s Lularoe Group. She is 9 years old and is going to school for the first time, in ABC. Serena lives in Barpa, Liberia with her mother and father. Her father is blind and is unable to work and support his family. Her interest is helping her father to walk, and she hopes to be a medical doctor to restore her father’s vision when she grows up.