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Rita: S792-FLO



Rita was promoted to the second grade this year, and the transformation in her is remarkable. Once a very shy and quiet student, Rita is gradually coming out of her shell and gaining more self-confidence. She is beginning to participate more in class and is especially passionate about reading, which she says is her favorite subject. Every now and then, when her shyness takes a backseat, Rita loves to read to the class, showcasing her growing confidence. Her teacher describes Rita as an excellent student who is hardworking and dedicated. Despite her quiet nature, she’s always focused on her studies and strives to do her best. Rita continues to live with her grandmother and dreams of becoming a businesswoman one day. We are so proud of the progress Rita has made this year. She is not only excelling in her academics, but also becoming a more confident, self-assured young girl who is determined to reach her goals. Sponsored by: Hope & Elizabeth Mikkelson



Rita is promoted to first grade and is one step closer to realizing her dream of becoming a business woman one day.  She still resides with her grandmother. Sponsored by: Hope & Elizabeth Mikkelson



Eight-year-old Rita lives in Flowin, Liberia with her grandmother and seven extended family members.  Rita’s mother has an undiagnosed illness that rendered her unable to care for Rita and her father abandoned the family several years ago.  Her grandmother does subsistence farming and cannot afford to send Rita to school.  Rita is in kindergarten class and dreams of being a businesswoman one day.  She said she want to take care of her mother and grandmother. Sponsored by: Hope & Elizabeth Mikkelson

Photos of Rita Throughout The School Years: