Remember was received another double promotion and is now in the second grade. We are proud of her hard work and dedication to catch up to her age-appropriate grade level – which is not an easy task. She is a hard working and determined young girl. She is also the team leader of her class kickball team. Her favorite subject is Spelling. She still lives with her grandfather and dreams of being a doctor one day. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds
Meet Remember, who has been generously sponsored by Andree Fredrick. She is 11 years old and is going to school for the first time this year in ABC. She lives in Zolowee, Liberia with her grandfather. Remember’s father has never been a part of her life. Her mother who was her primary caregiver passed away about 5 years ago, leaving her with her unemployed widow grandfather. Her interests are helping her grandfather and she hopes to be a doctor when she grows up.
Photos of Remember Throughout The School Years: