Princess has been promoted to the third grade! At 10 years old, she is a great student, very smart, and always applies herself. Her teacher reports that she asks great questions and enjoys learning. Princess continues to live with her father and dreams of becoming a manager one day. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen
Princess was promoted to second grade. Her subject with the highest grade was handwriting. Princess continues to live with her father and wants to be a manager when she grows up. Princess is smart and articulate. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen
Thanks to the generous donation from an Anonymous Donor (SD), Princess has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. She is in the K-2 grade this year and still wants to be a manager when she grows up. Her father was recently in a bad motorbike accident that which left him disabled. She continues to live with her father and has been a huge help with her siblings and household work.
Meet Princess, who has been generously sponsored by an Anonymous Donor (SD). She is 6 years old and is in K-1 this year. Princess lives in Barpa, Liberia with her unemployed single father who has 11 children by 4 women. Her interests are playing dolls and she hopes to be a manager when she grows up.
Photos of Princess Throughout The School Years: