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Ophelia has been promoted to the third grade! Her favorite subject is English, and she continues to impress with her curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Despite her young age, Ophelia carries many responsibilities with joy and pride. She is a great student, very smart, and often asks insightful questions or provides thoughtful answers during class. Ophelia enjoys helping her peers and teacher, always eager to contribute in any way she can. At home, she remains a huge help to her older sister and siblings, displaying maturity beyond her years. Ophelia continues to live with her big sister and dreams of becoming a businesswoman one day. Ophelia was promoted to the third grade. She still resides with her big sister and continues to pursue her goal of becoming business woman Sponsored by:  Tina Hinchley



Ophelia has been promoted to the second grade! Despite her young age, she carries a lot of responsibilities with joy and pride. She is a great student, very smart, and often asks insightful questions or provides thoughtful answers. Ophelia enjoys helping her peers and teacher in class. At home, she is very helpful to her older sister and siblings. She continues to live with her big sister and dreams of becoming a businesswoman one day. Sponsored by:  Tina Hinchley



Ophelia was promoted to 1st grade! Her favorite subject is math. Her teacher reports she is a great student and does well with her lessons. She is a big help to her sister, who’s been raising Ophelia and her siblings since her parent’s tragic death. She helps by cooking, cleaning, and caring for her siblings after school. She continues to live with her big sister and wants to be a business woman one day. Sponsored by:  Tina Hinchley



Meet Ophelia, who has been generously sponsored by Karen King (Thrivent Choice). She is 7-years-old and an orphan who is going to school for the first time this year in ABC. Ophelia lives in Sanniquellie, Liberia with her sister. She is from a family of six and they lost both of their parents four years ago in a tragic car accident. Their older sister, who was 16 years old at the time, took over the responsibility of raising her siblings and she simply cannot afford to send them to school. The sister told our GPA team, “We don’t even eat every day. So, where will I find money to send them to school?” Her interests are helping her sister and she hopes to be a business woman when she grows up.

Photos of Ophelia Throughout The School Years: