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Martha, at fourteen, has advanced to the fifth grade. Her enthusiasm for Bible Studies and English shines through as her favorite subjects this year. Recognizing the importance of education in personal growth, Martha emphasizes the value of learning for everyone. As the President of her class, she takes pride in her leadership role, drawing inspiration from her late father whom she believes would be proud of her achievements.

Residing with her mother, a farmer, Martha holds onto her dream of becoming a tailor someday. Balancing her academic pursuits with her familial responsibilities, Martha continues to strive towards her future aspirations with determination and resilience. Sponsored by: Peggy & John Sundquist



Martha was very lively and talkative during our interview update session!  It was a joy to see her thriving and hopeful.  Martha is now fourteen years old and got a double promotion to fourth grade.  This boosted her spirits and self-esteem.  Her favorite subject is bible.  She still wants to be a tailor when she grows up. Sponsored by:  John Applebaugh

October 2019


Thanks to the generous donation from Dan & Brookh Lyons, Martha has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019/2020 school year. According to her teacher and mother she is a big help both in school and at home with her 4 brothers and sisters.  

June 2019

We are pleased to announce that Martha was promoted to K-2 for the 2018-2019 school year. Her favorite subject is writing and she looks forward to school each day.  Ann Wal, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education.



Meet Martha, who has been generously sponsored by Ann Wal. She is 9 years old and in the kindergarten-1 this year. Martha lives in Sopea Town, Liberia with her mother. About a year ago, Martha’s father fell while coming from the farm and died on the spot. Her mother does not have adequate income to support her and her 5 children. Martha’s interests are playing with dolls and she hopes to be a tailor when she grows up.

Photos of Martha Throughout The School Years: