Marion was promoted to the fifth grade this year, and she is thriving in her studies. Her favorite class this year is reading, and she has a real passion for it. When asked about her favorite person in the whole universe, Marion didn’t hesitate to say it’s her grandma, who holds a very special place in her heart. Marion is an incredibly hardworking student, always putting in her best effort. Though she is a bit shy in the classroom, her teacher has pointed out that she is undoubtedly a natural leader. Her classmates look up to her, and she has a quiet but powerful way of inspiring others to do their best. We are so proud of Marion and all that she is accomplishing. Her dedication, kindness, and leadership make her stand out, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things she will achieve in the future! Sponsored by: Audrey Rusch
Marion’s journey through education took a significant step forward as she entered fourth grade, fueled by her unwavering determination to carve a path towards her dream of becoming a doctor. At 11 years old, she finds solace and support in the nurturing embrace of her grandmother, who serves as her steadfast anchor. With a penchant for numbers, Marion finds joy and challenge in the realm of mathematics, quietly but confidently showcasing her intelligence in the classroom. Her teacher recognizes her quiet strength, noting that when Marion speaks, her words resonate with authority, captivating the attention of her peers. As Marion continues to navigate her academic pursuits, her resilience and intellect propel her ever closer to the realization of her aspirations in the medical field. Sponsored by: Audrey Rusch
October 2022
Imagine a loving father struggling to provide a daily meal for his family. Unable to find a job, he finally takes the studied and reluctant decision to leave his family in the care of his mother and go to another distant town to find work among Liberia’s many ill equipped and structured gold mines. That’s what happened to Marion’s dad when she was four years old, and her family never heard from him again. Marion still lives with her grandmother who fears her son is not alive. Thank God GPA was there as a safety net for Marion. She was promoted to third grade and is doing well in school. Sponsored by: Audrey Rusch
September 2021
September 2020
October 2019
Thanks to the generous donation from Audrey Rusch, Marion has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019/2020 school year.
June 2019
We are pleased to announce that Marion was promoted to K-2 for the 2018/2019 school year. Audrey Rusch, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education.
September 2018
Meet Marion, who has been generously sponsored by Audrey Rusch. She is 6 years old and in the kindergarten-1 this year. Marion lives in Suakazue, Liberia with her grandmother. In 2016 her father left and went to the gold mines in search of gold. He hasn’t been heard from since. The family is afraid that he may not be alive. Her interests are playing with friends and she hopes to be a doctor when she grows up.
Photos of Marion Throughout The School Years: