Lovetee has been promoted to the 3rd grade and was elected as her class president this year. She enjoys being in this leadership role, especially because she loves the fact that people listen to her. Lovetee’s confidence and ability to lead her classmates showcase her growing leadership skills and her excitement to make a positive impact in her class. Sponsored by: Ann Milne
Twelve-year-old Lovetee was promoted to first grade! She continues to live with her grandmother and still wants to be a doctor. Her favorite subject is reading, and she is determined to get a double or triple promotion this year so she can catch up with her age-appropriate grade level. GPA is happy and humbled to walk alongside Lovetee in her pursuit of education. Her dream is to take care of her grandmother when she ages and to one day build a “real” house for her! We pray for the fulfillment of these expressed dreams. Sponsored by: James Barker
Meet Lovetee, who has been generously sponsored by Warwick Barker. She is 10 years old and in K-1 grade this year. She lives in Borsonnor Town, Liberia with her grandmother. Her mother died and her father abandoned her with her grandmother who finds it hard to pay for her schooling. She told our team during her interview: “I hope my grandma live long so I can take care of her and build her house.” Her interests are helping her grandmother cook and she hopes to be a doctor when she grows up.
Photos of Lovetee Throughout The School Years: