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Lawrence: S753-GBA



Lawrence is repeating the 9th grade this year, but he continues to demonstrate incredible determination and resilience. Last year, his education was interrupted by two and a half months of illness, causing him to fall behind. However, his hard work and positive attitude have remained unwavering. In his village, people once believed he suffered from a psychological illness, but it was poverty that had taken its toll. With support from Girl Power, Lawrence’s morale has soared. His peers admire his leadership and dedication, and he has been voted class president again this year. Lawrence is now focused on making this year his best yet. He is determined to pass with high marks and is setting an inspiring example for those around him. His future is bright, and everyone who knows him is confident he will achieve great things. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen



Lawrence is in ninth grade and continues to reside with his mother.  He still wants to be a scientist one day. Sponsored by: Joyce Jorgensen



Fifteen-year-old Lawrence is in eighth grade.  He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.  He lives with his mother and five siblings.  His dad passed away a few years ago and the humble “burden” of caring for the family takes a continuous seat on her slim shoulders. Keeping Lawrence in school is her hope.  A child graduating from high school positions a family to break the generational cycle of poverty that plagues seventy percent of Liberia’s subsistence farming families. Lawrence said farming is his favorite thing to do.  When not in school he helps his mother with the farming activities because he understands they need the food and income from farming to provide for the family. Sponsored by: Teri Anderson

Photos of Lawrence Throughout The School Years: