Janet was promoted to the forth grade this year, and she continues to live with her mother. She is an extremely hardworking and responsible student, known for her dedication both in and out of the classroom. According to her teacher, Janet plays a vital role in maintaining order in her class. She has earned the title of “class noise controller,” as she takes it upon herself to ensure that her classmates stay focused during lessons. If anyone is being disruptive, Janet steps in to bring the class back to order. Janet’s favorite subject is spelling, and her progress in this area has been remarkable. Her teacher has noticed significant improvement in her spelling skills, and she consistently achieves high marks in this subject. Janet’s hard work and determination make her a role model for her peers. We are incredibly proud of Janet’s achievements and her commitment to her education. She continues to excel and demonstrates great leadership qualities at such a young age. Janet’s future looks bright, and we are excited to see all that she will accomplish. Sponsored by: Jane Cree
Janet barely made it to first grade. She had a challenging school year due to illness which resulted in sporadic school attendance. It is not clear what illness she had, but the good news is she had a determined spirit to successfully pass to second grade. Janet is one step closer to realizing her dream of becoming a seamstress one day. Sponsored by: Jane Cree
Meet Janet, who has been generously sponsored by Lori Fischer Hall. She is 9 years old and is in the K-1 grade this year. She lives in Gbeleyee Town, Liberia with her mother. Her father died from an appendicitis. Janet’s mother is having a difficult time supporting her 2 children. Her interests are playing with friends, and she hopes to be a seamstress when she grows up.
Photos of Janet Throughout The School Years: