Janet is promoted to first grade! During our interview, she was all smiles – beaming with excitement to share the news: she is one of the top performers of her class! We celebrated with cheers, high fives, and hugs. She continues to live with her uncle and wants to be a police officer one day. Sponsored by: Jennifer Parker
Janet was promoted to kindergarten-2 class and her favorite subject is Writing. Janet continues to live with her uncle and want to be a police officer when she grows up. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds
Meet Janet, who has been generously sponsored by Joyce Jorgensen on behalf of the estate of Dennis Valstad. She is 7 years old and is going to school for the first time in ABC. She lives in Zolowee, Liberia with her uncle. Janet’s mother left town with her new boyfriend about a year after Janet’s father passed away. She is being raised by her father’s brother. Her interests are playing and she hopes to be a police officer when she grows up.