September 2021: Thanks to the generous donation from Kristin Frederickson, Diamond has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She received an incomplete for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, schools in Liberia had irregular school schedule. This combined with the lack of technology in the schools, some schools made the decision to keep students in their current grade level for the 2021-2022 school year. Diamond was kept in her current grade level of 2nd grade for the upcoming school year. She continues to live with her parents and still wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
September 2020: Thanks to the generous donation from Kristin Frederickson, Diamond has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. She is in the 2nd grade this year and still wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She continues to live with both of her parents.
October 2019: Thanks to the generous donation from Kristin Frederickson, Diamond has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019-2020 school year. Please note: Diamond was unable to attend the back to school distribution as she was in the “society bush” for FGM. However, her school materials were left with the school to be given to her upon her return.
June 2019: We are pleased to announce that Diamond was promoted to the 1st grade for the 2018-2019 school year. Kristine, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education through Girl Power Africa.
June 2019: A special message from Diamond’s sponsors to Diamond:
“Last year I sponsored Diamond I would like to send her a note to let her know how proud we are of her.
Hello Diamond! We hope you are enjoying school and are learning a lot of new things. We just started summer break so my two boys are enjoying golfing and swimming and basketball instead of going to school right now. But once summer ends they will be happy to be back in school too! Keep working hard at school! I know you are trying your best! I can’t wait to hear how much you have learned already. Your friends in America, Kristin, Jacob and Noah”
2018: Meet Diamond, who has been generously sponsored by Kristin Zweifel Frederickson. She is 8 years old and in the kindergarten1 this year. Diamond lives in Karnla, Liberia with her mother and father. Both of Diamond’s parents are subsistent farmers who have been supporting their children without any external assistance. Unfortunatly, last year, Diamond’s baby sister was seriously sick and was hospitalized for 2 months. Diamond’s parents were forced to use up all of their savings (totaling about $300 USD) to pay for the medical bills. Since then, the family has been struggling to make ends meet. This year, Diamond was told that she and her brother could not go to school because their parents couldn’t afford to sent them. She had come to Girl Powe Africa with her mother to ask for assistance to please send her to school. Diamond hopes to be a teacher when she grows up.