Comfort was promoted to fourth grade! She worked extra hard to ensure a successful pass and it paid off. During our interview, we could see how much her confidence is growing. We are proud of Comfort’s success. She continues to live with her mother and dreams of becoming a mechanic one day. Sponsored by: Leslie Eisenberg
Comfort was retained in third grade. She had multiple absences from class. Her principal had a conference with Comfort’s mother to encourage her to support Comfort’s readiness for school. Comfort was thankful for another opportunity to complete third grade. Sponsored by: Leslie Eisenberg
Meet Comfort, who has been generously sponsored by Joyce Jorgensen on behalf of the estate of Dennis Valstad. She is 10 years old and is in the 2nd grade this year. She lives in Sehyi Geh, Liberia with her mother. He committed suicide when he suspected that his wife was having an affair with another man. Her interests are to work with a company to repair cars and she hopes to be a mechanic when she grows up.
Photos of Comfort Throughout The School Years: