Beatrice was thrilled when she was promoted to the second grade this year. Her hard work had paid off, and she beamed with pride as she stepped into her new classroom. Math was her favorite subject, and it showed in the way she solved problems with ease. Numbers, for Beatrice, were like puzzles waiting to be unlocked, and she loved the sense of accomplishment she felt when she found the right answer. Her teacher often praised her, calling her an excellent student. “Beatrice is not only a quick learner but also a kind helper,” her teacher said. Whenever one of her classmates struggled with an assignment, Beatrice was the first to offer assistance. She had a natural talent for explaining things in a way that made them easier to understand. Her classmates admired her patience and always looked to her for guidance. After school, Beatrice’s day was far from over. As soon as she got home, she set aside her schoolbag and headed to the creek with a bucket in hand. Fetching water was no easy task, but Beatrice knew her family depended on her. After bringing back the heavy buckets of water, she joined her mother in the kitchen, helping to prepare the evening meal. She also took on the responsibility of cleaning, ensuring their small home was neat and tidy. Only when her chores were done did Beatrice sit down to do her homework. Despite her long and tiring day, she approached her studies with the same enthusiasm she had in the classroom. Her dream was to one day become someone her family could be proud of, someone who could make life easier for them. Beatrice’s determination and kindness were admired by everyone who knew her. Whether she was solving math problems in school, helping her peers, or supporting her family at home, she gave her all. She was a shining example of resilience and generosity, proving that even the smallest acts of effort and kindness could make a big difference. Sponsored by: Megan Bailiff
Beatrice is in first grade and is eleven years old. She lives with her parents and dreams of becoming an engineer one day. Beatrice loves reading and is the president of her class. Her parents are subsistence farmers and with five other children to care for, it is challenging for them to fully support all of them. This scholarship opportunity enables Beatrice to confidently begin her educational journey. Sponsored by: Megan Bailiff
Please note: We apologize for not having a photo at this time. Unfortunately, we experienced a technical error and lost a significant amount of data.