Watkins: S856-KPA
Watkins has been promoted to the Kindergarten-1 class! His teacher reports he’s a good student, shy, and very smart. After school, Watkins enjoys playing soccer with his friends. He continues to dream of becoming a computer analyst one day. He continues to live with her father. Sponsored by: Kage Haeck
Watkins is seven years old and dreams of becoming a computer analyst one day. He actually said, “I want to work on computer when I grow up”. Watkins is in pre-kindergarten (ABC) class and enjoys helping with household chores and playing with his friends. He lives in his father’s household with four siblings; his mother abandoned the family several years ago. His father does subsistence farming and finds it challenging to provide the basics of food and shelter. Watkins and his dad are thankful for the gift of a GPA scholarship. Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds