JUNE 2022: Yenekeh is a 60-year-old widow living in Gbapa. She makes a living by petty marketing, selling consumables like onions, spices, vegetable and palm oil, etc. The immediate and extended family usually serve as a cultural safety net for widows like Yenekeh. Since the income from her petty marketing does not provide enough to fully take care of her bare minimum monthly living expenses, the family usually helps out. Yenekeh’s extended family is unable to continuously assist her and she is thankful for the baking supplies Empowerment Package to
help expand her subsistence market. Thanks to a donation from the Girl Power Africa General Funds, along with her existing market items, Yenekeh will be selling bread and other pastries in the local market to help sustain her. Thanks go to Girl Power Africa donors for being a “safety net” for Yenekeh.
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