June 2022: 31-year-old Marthalyn lives in the community of Duazon which is
situated in Monrovia. Marthalyn has four children. Her husband abandoned her
and their children and she said she has been “hustling to feed them”. “Hustling” in
Monrovia places young, desperate women like Marthalyn at risk. In their
desperation, they are often exploited at a variety of demeaning levels. Sometimes
they are offered day labor for pay and at the end of the day, there is no pay. Other
times, they are invited to help someone sell their market items with the promise of
a percentage of the daily profit for the items sold and the owner does not keep
his/her promise. Marthalyn was given a Business Empowerment Package which
enables her to acquire and sell for profit dry goods in the Girl Power Africa market
in Monrovia. A donation from Girl Power Africa’s General Funds has given
Marthalyn and her children a hand up.
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