JUNE 2022: 30-year-old Evon is divorced and living with her five children (ages
13 to 4) in Sanniquellie, Nimba County. Women sometimes “settle” for verbal,
physical, and other kinds of abuse from their husbands in an effort to bypass the
stigma that comes with being a divorced woman in rural Liberia. Evon did not
settle for the abuse from her husband and decided to walk away from a marriage
that only brought her and her children a lot of grief. She moved in with her parents
and began cooking and selling food to sustain her children. Within a period of four
years, both parents passed away. Though grieved by her parents’ untimely demise,
Evon counted her blessings: children were in school and doing well, they had a
roof over their heads, they had at least one good meal a day, and her food selling
business was “picking up.” Evon reached out to Girl Power for a Business
Development Empowerment Package to strengthen and expand her food selling
business. A donation from the Girl Power Africa General Fund has given Evon a
hand up.
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