September 2021: Thanks to the generous donation from Deanna Sheehy, Princess has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She was promoted to the 3rd grade this year. is in the 2nd grade this year. After the death of Princess’s grandmother, she was given to her aunt to live. Princess still wants to be a social worker when she grows up.
September 2020: Thanks to the generous donation from Deanna Sheehy, Princess has been re-enrolled into school for the 2020/2021 school year. She is in the 2nd grade this year and still wants to be a social worker when she grows up. She just lost her grandmother, two weeks ago, and she is now considered an orphan.
October 2019: Thanks to the generous donation from Deanna Sheehy, Princess has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019-2020 school year.
June 2019: We are pleased to announce that Princess received tripple promoted from ABC to 1st grade for the 2018-2019 school year. Deanna, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education through Girl Power Africa.
September 2018: Meet Princess Wonkpa, who has been generously sponsored by Deanna Sheehy. She is 12 years old and in the kindergarten this year. She lives in Seclepea, Liberia with her grandmother. Princess’s grandmother has Parkinson disease and is unable to care for herself. Princess has been her grandmothers’ only care giver for the last 5+ years. This year, her grandmother had asked Princess to come to Girl Power Africa for assistance to go to school. When Girl Power asked Princess how she plans on going to school and still care for her grandmother, she told Girl Power, “I’m falling behind my age people. I will bathe my granma in da night and cook. I will wake up soooon morning and clean my granma and feed my granma and put her inside and run to schoo. When schoo get out at 12:30, I will run home and clean my granma. She will be waiting on me to come from schoo.” Her interests are helping her grandmother and she hopes to be a social worker when she grows up.