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Prince: S739-SUA



Prince was promoted to the first grade this year, and he’s already making a great impression. He enjoys science class and continues to dream of becoming a mechanic when he grows up. Prince still lives with his mother, and his teachers describe him as a very good student who is always focused on his work. One of the things that stands out most about Prince is his infectious smile. His teachers say it’s the biggest smile, and it’s hard not to smile back when he’s around. Prince also has a playful side—he’s a little joker and loves to keep his classmates laughing. Despite his fun-loving nature, he is still a great student who takes his lessons seriously. We are proud of Prince for balancing his sense of humor with his dedication to learning. His positive attitude and determination will take him far, and we can’t wait to see how he continues to shine! Sponsored by: Peggy & John Sundquist



Prince was promoted to Kindergarten-2 class and still lives with his mother.  He still wants to be a mechanic one day. Sponsored by: Phil Vasby



Please meet Prince, our nine-year-old future mechanic who also love playing soccer.  Prince lives with his subsistence farming mother and two older siblings in Suakazue, Liberia.  Prince watched others in his community attend the local school, but his mother could not yet afford to send him to school.  His father abandoned the family a few years ago.  Thanks to GPA’s amazing sponsors support, another school year will not pass by Prince.  At age nine, he will begin pre-kindergarten class!  He is old enough to understand if he works hard in school, he may get a double promotion and eventually catch up with his age-appropriate grade level.  Prince’s mom extends thanks to GPA.  Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds

Photos of Prince Throughout The School Years: