Prince has been promoted to first grade, and we’re thrilled to see his progress! His confidence is growing, especially in English, and he’s truly embracing the joy of learning to read and write. Living with his grandmother, he holds onto his dream of becoming a teacher one day. Sponsored by: Phil Vasby
Over the past year, little Prince worked hard and was able to obtain promotion to the kindergarten-2 class! As per our interview with Prince, it was noted that he experienced difficulties in speaking Liberia’s national language, English. Prince’s first language (Mano) is one of Liberia’s many tribal affiliated languages. It can be difficult for little ones like Prince to transition from speaking his familiar language to speaking English. As he mingles with his peer group, we are sure Prince will improve because he is good at class participation. English is our official language taught in schools in Liberia. Though coming across as a quiet little boy, Prince’s teachers report he is always ready and willing to learn. Sponsored by: Phil Vasby
Thanks to the generous donation from Phil Vasby, Prince has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. He received an incomplete for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, schools in Liberia had irregular school schedule. This combined with the lack of technology in the schools, some schools made the decision to keep students in their current grade level for the 2021/2022 school year. Prince was kept in his current grade level of K-1 grade for the upcoming school year. He continues to live with his grandmother, and he is still not sure what he wants to be when he grows up.
Meet Prince, who has been generously sponsored by an Anonymous donor (Mohamad). He is 9 years old and is in the K-1 grade this year. He lives in Kialay, Liberia with his grandmother. He was abandoned by his mother after birth and his father died 4 years ago from tuberculosis. His interests are playing soccer and he is not sure what he hopes to be when he grows up.