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Patience: S873-KPA



Patients received a double promotion from first grade to third grade this year. She still dreams of becoming a nurse and lives with her grandmother. During an interview, she shared that her biggest dream is to make her grandmother proud. She promised that the first thing she will do when she earns her first pay is build her grandmother a house. Sponsored by: Ehab Sabree



Patience has been promoted to the first grade and continues to live with her grandmother. Her aspiration to become a nurse one day remains steadfast. She lovingly refers to her grandmother as “her favorite person in the entire world!” She works hard in school to make her proud.  Sponsored by: Susan Helbach



Struggling Liberian households are adept at stretching a penny into a dollar.  With sixty percent of the population earning less than $2.00 daily, knowing how to stretch income and resources is crucial to a family’s success. Patience is seven years old and lives with her grandmother. Her mother left their household a year ago to seek a job in a mining camp.  Though she faithfully sends Patience’s grandmother money each month, it cannot stretch to cover the cost of tuition for all the school age children.  The gift of a scholarship for Patience was both welcomed and appreciated. Sponsored by: Cathy Putnam

Photos of Patience Throughout The School Years: