Okehwon is a bright and determined 9-year-old who has just started her journey in the first grade. Despite her age, she is thrilled to finally have the opportunity to attend school. Okehwon lives at home with her mother and her seven siblings. Her mother works tirelessly to provide for the family, but with eight children to care for, it has been difficult to afford education for all of them. Okehwon dreams of becoming a teacher when she grows up so she can help other children learn and have brighter futures. After school, she eagerly helps her mother by fetching water from the creek and assisting with cooking meals for the family. Her teachers have already noticed her dedication and potential, and Okehwon’s enthusiasm for learning inspires everyone around her. Though her journey may not be easy, her resilience and determination show that she is ready to overcome any obstacle to achieve her dreams. Sponsored by: