Majay: S829-DEW
Majay received promotion to the 4th grade, and her teacher describes her as incredibly smart and outstanding in class. She loves school for the learning, the lively discussions with friends, and the happiness it brings her. Sponsored by: Deborah Schepp
Majay is promoted to third grade and she is one step closer to realizing her dream of becoming a doctor. She continues to live with her parents. Majay said after school, her favorite thing to do is to play with her sisters. Sponsored by: Deborah Schepp
Meet Majay, she is seven years old and wants to be a doctor one day. She is in the second grade and lives with her parents and nine siblings. Majay’s parents could not afford to send her to school this year. The gift of a GPA scholarship was both timely and encouraging for this struggling family. Majay and her family are very grateful for this scholarship. Sponsored by: Deborah Schepp
Photos of Majay Throughout The School Years: