Grandma: S803-FLO
Grandma, whose real name is Marie, has shown incredible resilience and determination this year. She was promoted to the third grade, despite facing significant challenges at home. When her mother fell and broke her leg, Grandma took on the responsibility of helping care for her, all while keeping up with her studies and maintaining her commitment to school. English remains her favorite class, and she continues to dream of becoming a pastor. Her teachers describe her as a very good student—dedicated, hardworking, and a positive presence in the classroom. Grandma’s ability to balance her responsibilities at home with her education is truly inspiring. We are so proud of her for staying focused on her dreams, and we look forward to seeing her continue to succeed. Thank you to everyone supporting her on this journey. Sponsored by: Sarah Mani
Grandma is promoted to second grade and continues to reside with her parents. She still dreams of becoming a pastor one day. Sponsored by: Lori Fischer Hall
Grandma is seven years old and in first grade. She lives with her parents and five siblings and wants to be a pastor one day. Grandma’s parents are subsistence farmers and can barely provide a daily meal for their family. Grandma and her parents are thankful for the gift of a scholarship. Sponsored by: Lori Fischer Hall
Photos of Grandma Throughout The School Years: