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Comfort has achieved an incredible milestone this year, receiving a double promotion from 3rd grade to 5th grade. Her favorite subject is math, and she excels in reading, with her highest grades in that subject. Her peers recognized her leadership qualities and voted her vice president of her class—a role she embraces with enthusiasm and pride. Comfort shared that she worked extremely hard this year with a goal in mind: to make the founder of Girl Power Africa proud. Her dedication and determination have paid off, and we could not be more proud of her achievements. Comfort is a shining example of what hard work and focus can accomplish, and we look forward to seeing all she will continue to achieve. Sponsored by: Kathryn O’Rourke



Comfort advanced to the fourth grade! Despite facing challenges during the previous year’s transition, she has shown remarkable resilience, motivating her to redouble her efforts to catch up with her peers now a grade ahead. Her attendance has notably improved, and her academic performance is commendable. Comfort resides in the home of an extended family member, where she continues to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher one day with determination and enthusiasm. Sponsored by: Kathryn O’Rourke



Comfort was demoted to third grade.  The circumstance of her demotion is not clear, but GPA is certain she deserves another chance.  It appears family circumstances caused Comfort to move from her stable home to another extended family. Sponsored by: Kathryn O’Rourke

October 2019


Thanks to the generous donation from Karen King, Comfort has been re-enrolled into school for the 2019/2020 school year. 

June 2019

We are pleased to announce that Comfort was promoted to the 2nd grade for the 2018/2019 school year. Lori Fischer Hall, thank you for your sponsorship and giving your student a gift of education through Girl Power Africa.



Meet Comfort, who has been generously sponsored by Lori Fischer Hall. She is 10 years old and in the 1st grade this year. She lives in Gbobayee, Liberia with her mother. Comfort’s father died from a snake bite on his way home from their farm about a year ago. Since his death, her mother has been struggling to support Comfort and her siblings. She hopes to be a teacher grows up.

Photos of Comfort Throughout The School Years: