Annie continues to live with her grandfather who does the best that he can in terms of giving her care and love. However, as with many struggling extended family households in Liberia, Annie’s grandfather’s household is filled with many family members, and this renders him incapable of providing adequate care in spite of his good will. Annie did not pass her grade and is retained in prekindergarten (K-1) class. Annie is eight years old now; a little older and can take care of herself. It does not seem fair that little ones like Annie must grow up fast, but GPA is happy to allow Annie back and ride on our wings of support! Sponsored by: Jennifer Metcalf
Thanks to the generous donation from Jennifer Metcalf, Annie has been re-enrolled into school for the 2021/2022 school year. She was promoted to the K-1 grade this year and still wants to be a pastor when she grows up. She continues to live with her grandfather and is determined to make her father proud.
Meet Annie, who has been generously sponsored by Brittany Meyers. She is 6 years old and is going to school for the first time this year in ABC. She lives in Liagbala, Liberia with her grandfather. Her father was her care giver until he got terribly ill. He was sick for a long time before he could finally afford to go to the hospital. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, he passed away. Her interests are playing with her friends and she hopes to be a pastor when she grows up.
Photos of Annie Throughout The School Years: