RECIPIENT: Venecial – Age 55
EMPOWERED BY: Bryon Saye Mantor and Mina Mantor
Venecial is a 55-year-old single mother who lives in Sannequillie, Liberia. Venecial has 5 children of her own. However, after her brother passed away, she took all 8 of his children to support. Venecial said she and the children were doing fine financially until 9 months ago when one of her brother’s son passed away. She had to use all of her savings for his medical treatment and burial. Thanks to the generous donation from Bryon Saye Mantor and Mina Mantor, Venecial will be selling in the local market to help sustain her and her family. Thank you for giving Venecial and her family a hand up.
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