June 2022: Forty-nine-year-old Ophelia is a widow and lives in the town of
Gbeleyee, Nimba County with her five children. While subsistence farming is the
way of life for seventy percent of households in Liberia, it has many occupational
hazards that can be quite deadly. Poisonous snake bites, injuries from navigating
terrain with a lot of stumps, and in the case of Ophelia’s husband, falling from
a very tall palm nut tree while trying to extract nut clusters. He died from a broken
back. Ophelia tries to fill his empty shoes with grace and dignity. Her older
children assist her with the farming activities. Somehow, Ophelia is able to find
money to support the tuition to keep the younger children in school. Ophelia was
happy to receive a farming supplies Empowerment Package, which not only
provides essential farming items but also helps her save what she would have used
to purchase farming supplies for the upcoming farming season. A donation from
the Girl Power Africa General Fund has given Ophelia and her family a hand up.
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