2016: Marthalyn Joel is a 39 mother of 7 who was generously sponsored by Jacalyn Margittay. Her 20 year son was a motor bike rider (for public transportation). He was killed in a tragic motor cycle accident 3 months ago. Her whole world came to a complete stop. After hearing about her story from a customer of mine, I decided to invite Marthalyn and hear her story directly from herself… it made me even more grateful for my life and for the little things that I take for granted like great children, healthy family, wonderful husband, warm house without snakes holes, daily food… Thank you God for blessing my family and friends. Dear God, please touch those who are in dire need of you loving hands. In Jesus name, Amen! These are photos of Marthalyn receiving bags of coal. This was made possible by the generous donation from Jacalyn Margittay.