Recipient: Martha Heleh – 48 Years old
Empowered by: Leif Hansen
Martha has 9 children. The 3 older kids are living on their own up country. She and the younger 6 kids have been doing well selling their “small, small” things and using the money for survival and to send the kids to school. Last year, one of her children got seriously sick. Martha used the business money for the hospital bills and medications to treat the child. Thank God, the child is well now. But since then, Martha could only afford to send 2 out of the 6 kids to school. The other 4 children were unable to go to school this year due to lack of money for uniform, school shoes and note books (about $15-20 USD total per child). She told me that the kids will have to take turns going to school each year. (Breaks my heart!!) These are photos of Martha receiving her new supply of selling goods to now be able to successfully start her very own business. (Please see the video of Martha on our Girl Power Africa’s Facebook page)