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RECIPIENT: Marie – Age 40

EMPOWERED BY:  Cambridge 4H Club

Meet Marie who has been generously sponsored by Cambridge 4H Club. She is a 40 years old widowed mother with four children who are ages 24, 19, 15 and 9 years. She and her children live in Sannequillie, Liberia and has never been to school.   Marie said her husband was the primary bread winner. Since his death 2 years ago, things have been extremely difficult for the family.  Marie said that she and her older daughter sell for a kind lady in the market and in exchange, the lady gives them food.  Marie will now be selling char-coal to help support her family. Thank you, Cambridge 4H Club for giving Marie and her family a hand up.

If you are interested in helping to empower a mother in need, please join us at