RECIPIENT: Kou – Age 65
EMPOWERED BY: Brenda Vesperman
Kou is a 65-year-old grandmother of 15 children who lives in Gbobayee, Liberia with her husband and 5 of their grandchildren. Kou is also the grandmother of one of our students, Naomie, who was disowned by her father when the mother was pregnant with her. Naomie’s mother dropped her off to her father’s parents. (Kou and her husband) saying “your son doesn’t want the child and I don’t have any way to support a child. I don’t want to hurt her. She’s yours”. It’s been about 1 year since Naomie’s mother dropped her off. During our Girl Power Africa’s field monitoring and evaluation in February 2020, we discovered that Naomie was practically dying from starvation and was very malnourished. Our supporters raised funds to feed Naomie and her family for 7 months. We were also able to empower Kou with a business to sustain her and her family. Thanks to the generous donation from Brenda Vesperman, Kou will be selling bread. Thank you, Brenda, for giving Kou and her family a hand up.
Here is a link to Naomie’s story: https://www.girlpowerafrica.org/our-students/naomie-s392-gbo
If you are interested in helping to empower a mother in need, please join us at https://www.girlpowerafrica.org/donate