RECIPIENT: Fanta Kaba – Age 17
EMPOWERED BY: Bulleh Bablitch-Norkeh
Fanta was 17 and in the 7th grade when she had gotten pregnant. The baby is now 2 years old (a very smart kid). Fanta had to drop out of school to take care of the baby. Her father, out of frustration, kicked her out to go live with the the baby’s father (who was also in the 7th grade). Over the last 2 years, he has gotten very violent. He beats her practically every day for “destroying” his life. When I heard about her story, I give her $95 to start her business (to help her and her son). She has moved out and has started a new life for she and the baby. Fanta is planning on enrolling in school to complete her high school education. There are many more young girls and women out here in Liberia, Africa like Fanta. If you are interested in Empowering 1 or more Girls/Women, please let me know. I will send you a picture of the girl/woman whom you are empowering. Thank you in advance for helping make our world a little better. Attached is a photo of Fanta selling her market.