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Regina: S744-BOA



Regina is promoted to kindergarten-2 and continues to live with her mother.  She still wants to work with computers one day. Sponsored by: Network for Good



Ten-year-old Regina loves helping her mother cook.  Cooking in the village requires a lot of “props”.  You must fetch water from a well or a nearby running stream, containerize it in the outdoor kitchen, carefully wash whatever you are cooking and then proceed to “prepare” the materials for cooking (like chopping the greens, egg plants, yams, etc.).  Then comes the seasoning and placing in the pot.  Most Liberian meals are stews eaten with rice and Regina proudly told us “I now know how to cook”.  Regina wants to work with computers when she grows up.  She lives with her parents and five siblings and is thankful for the opportunity to begin her education. She will be in pre-kindergarten this school year.  Sponsored by: Donations from General Funds

Photos of Regina Throughout The School Years: