June 2022: Janice is a 32-year-old married mother of 4 children who lives in Sannequillie, Liberia. Her children are age range from 16-5 years. She is…
June 2022: Sometimes all that’s needed is the sincerity of a listening ear. 50- year-old Dorothy explained her circumstances to a Girl Power Team…
June 2022: Thirty-eight-year-old Yah is a widow living with her five children in Gbeleyee, Nimba County. Yah’s husband died from a “stomach complaint” and…
June 2022: Fifty-two-year-old Esther is a mother of six children living in Gbeleyee, Nimba County. She and her husband farm to provide for their family…
June 2022: Fifty-six-year-old Tonkor is widowed and lives in Gbeleyee, Nimba County with her children and grandchildren. Tonkor said she had fourteen children but ten…
June 2022: Hellen is a 28-year-old single mother living in Gbeleyee, Nimba County. She has three children and makes a living by subsistence farming. Her…